Tag Archives: Scorpian

I have crustaceans in my garden

I have herbivore crustaceans in my garden. It is a constant torment. They mostly love all of the tiny bits of decaying wood commonly known as compost.

They are in satiable.

They are invincible.

They eat strawberries, so I hung those plants from the trees. They eat carrots, beets, & eggplant, so I plant enough for everyone, but now they have gone too far.

I brought my yearling pair of kiwi vines in for the “winter” and they came right along for the ride. Did I care? No, “and let live” I said. And then I found one of the little bastards eating its way around and through the precious bark of my kiwi plant. Fire and brimstone rained down on it. A few days later I found one of its hellacious offspring drinking the kiwi’s life blood again.


But what can you do? Because there’s no way to get in there and squish the exoarmour of each one. I suppose I could rinse all of the dirt off and nurse it in the aquaponics system… a tempting option…but then I found this cinnamon trick which is prop ported to keep fungus at bay. I threw in some ginger and cayenne pepper for good measure. I latter added garlic skins and bay leaves? I may have used voodoo and a Moroccan scorpion as well. But has all been quiet in the kiwi sanctuary for several days. I have not even seen a wood louse in two days! Knock on wood.
